The Heatwave of Hades has finally ended and training is back on track. Hoorah!
Number One addition to the training programme - I got started on the swimming again. And consequently, my love for the UWA pool has reached a new level. UWA pool, you are a chlorinated repository of floaty bliss - if my arms were 25m long I'd wrap them around you and give you a big hug. Because that's how much I love you.
This most excellent pool (and I know I'm going on about it - but it's soooo lovely) is 25m long, outdoors and heated. The 25m length means I can get easily to the other end. The outdoor part means it doesn't reek of chlorine and the heated bit .... oooh, the heated bit means I can get straight in without doing the 'cold water polka'. (This dance-like manouevre, which basically involves jumping up and down whilst going into the water in three centimetre increments, is my system of necessity at the beach). The weather has been quite warm when I've swam and the pool has been beautifully cool to get into but not a huge shock to the system. Aaaaaaah. And, as I said to the two ladies in the changeroom on Wednesday, whose conversation I totally joined uninvited (a bad habit) the pool doesn't stay the same temperature all year round. So no need to worry about they would do for exercise in winter - the water is even warmer when it's cold or rainy!
One of the best things I did last week was walk to uni after dropping my babies off at school. I managed the 6.3km walk in 1hour and 1minute. And, as luck would have it, on my way out of the classroom, the lovely Maria asked what I was doing and offered to pick me up at 3pm on her way back to school. So I didn't even need to catch the bus. Hoorah!
The question I'm most frequently asked at the moment is 'So, how far can you run now?' Because I'm doing Couch Potato to 10kms and am still on the running/walking part, I'm not actually sure how far I can go without stopping. Each training session generally covers 7 - 8kms, but I'm not running continuously the whole distance. I've booked my spots in the 10km Bridges Run on April 10th and the 8km Mother's Day run on May 8th so as an experiment, I thought this week I would give an unbroken run a try and see how far I get. I'm not optimistic I can go much beyond 3 or 4 kms, especially after a less than optimal few weeks of training, but I shall report in the next post. Feel free to place bets.
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